Chief Engineer for Bulker vessel. DWT 75 000, ManBW 6S60MC-C8; Built in Korea; Requested experience: 12 months in rank on similar type of vessel; fluent English; Rate: 8 200 USD; Date of Join: second part of July; Contractduration: 4 +/- 1 months. E-mail:,; tel. 38048 7800509; or visit us: 18B Armeyskaya str., Odessa.
Master for Oil /Product Tanker,13000$+ good re-joiningbonus; Duration: 4+/-1; Sign-on: June-July ; DWT: 75000 ; Steam Pumps ; Requested experience: 24months in rank on similar type of vessel;E-mail:,; tel.38048 7800509; or visit us: 18B Armeyskaya str., Odessa.
3rd Officer Officer for Oil /Product Tanker, 4000$+ good re-joining bonus; Duration: 5+/-1; Sign-on : June- July;DWT: 75000; Pumps Framo, Steam; Requested experience: min 6 month in rank on tankers from 20000 DWT; E-mail:,; tel.38048 7800509; or visit us: 18B Armeyskaya str., Odessa.
Chief Engineer for OIL /ProductTanker, 12500$+ good re-joining bonus; Duration:4+/-1; Sign-on: June- July; DWT: 75000; ME: Man-BW 14 500 kW; Requestedexperience: min 12 month in rank on tankers from 45000 DWT / 9 000 kW; E-mail:,; tel. 38048 7800509; or visit us: 18BArmeyskaya str., Odessa.
3rd Engineer for OIL /Product Tanker, 4500$+ goodre-joining bonus; 2010 yob; Duration: 5+/-1; Sign-on: June- July ; DWT: 73 723; ME: Man-B&W; Requestedexperience: min 6 month in rank on tankers from 25000 DWT / 9 000 kW; E-mail:,, tel.38048 7800509; or visit us: 18B Armeyskaya str., Odessa.
El Engineer for OIL/ProductTanker,6300 $+ good re-joining bonus; Duration:5+/-1; Sign-on: June- July; DWT: 75000; Man BW; Power : 16 642 hp; Requested experience: min 6 month in rank on tankers from 25000 DWT / 9 000 kW; E-mail: ,; tel. 38048 7800509; or visit us: 18BArmeyskaya str., Odessa
Master for Bulker vessel. DWT 56 000, 2010 YOB; Requestedexperience: 12 months in rank on similar type of vessel; fluent English; Rate: 8400 USD; Date of Join: June- July; Contract duration 4 +/- 1 months. E-mail:;; tel. 38048 7800509; or visit us: 18B Armeyskaya str., Odessa.
ChEng for Bulker, dwt 33 000, 2010 YOB ; MAN-BW, Requested experience: min 12 month in rank on Bulkers /Containers from 25000 DWT , USA visa; good Engl (mixed Crew); rate 8000 USD; contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: June- July;E-mail:,;
Chief Engineer forContainer, MAN BW, DWT 18000; Requested experience: min 12 month in rank on Containers from 15000 DWT ; good Engl (mixed Crew); rate 8400 USD; contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: June- July;E-mail:,;
2E forContainer, 22000 dwt,Man BW. Joining: June- July;contract duration 4+/-1 months; Requested experience: min 12 month in rank on Cont, good Engl (mixed Crew); rate 6500 USD. E-mail: ;
ChEng forContainer, 16 000DWT, Man BW; rate USD: 8700; duration: 4+/-1; requested experience: min 12 months on similar vessel as ChEng; Join date : June - July ; E-mail:; tel. 38048 7800509; or visitus: 18B Armeyskaya str., Odessa.
ChEng for Bulker, dwt 50 000 ; MAN-BW, Requested experience: min 12 month in rank on Bulkers/Containers from 25000 DWT , USA visa; good Engl (mixed Crew); rate 10300 USD; contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: June- July; E-mail:,;"> ;
We areurgently looking for Chief Engineer on General Cargo 5000 DWT, ME: MAK engine experience is required, 12 months experience in rank; rate 8000 USD; contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: Beg of August Good knowledge of English is required E-mail:
We areurgently looking for 3 Engineer on Container 49000 DWT, 2012 ME: MAN B&W ME engine experience is required,36000 KW 12 months experience in rank; rate 3600 USD; contract duration 6+/-1 months; Date of join: 19.07.2016 Good knowledge of English is required E-mail:
We areurgently looking for Chief Engineer on Container 67000 DWT, 2000 ME: Sulzer RTA 96C engine experience is required, 54000 KW 12 months experience in rank; rate 8500-8800USD; depends on qualification contract duration 5+/-1 months; Date of join: Mid of July Good knowledge of English is required E-mail:
We areurgently looking for Master on Bulker 55000 DWT ME: MAN B&W MC-C engine, 12 months experience in rank; rate 8890 USD; contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: July
We areurgently looking for Ch Off on Bulker 55000 DWT, ME: MAN B&W MC-C engine, 12 months experience in rank; rate 6880 USD; contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: July
We areurgently looking for Chief Engineer on Bulker 55000 DWT ME: MAN B&W MC-C engine, 8200 kw 12 months experience in rank; rate 8460 USD contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: July Good command of English language is required E-mail:
We areurgently looking for 2-nd Engineer on Bulker 55000 DWT ME: MAN B&W MC-C engine, 8200 kw 12 months experience in rank; rate 6880 USD contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: July Good command of English language is required E-mail:
We areurgently looking for El Engineer on Bulker 55000 DWT ME: MAN B&W MC-C engine, 8200 kw 12 months experience in rank; work experience with cranes rate 5610 USD contract duration 4+/-1 months; Date of join: July Good command of English language is required E-mail:
We are urgently looking for Master willing to join BULK Carriers 76000 DWT Experience required: 12 months experience in rank on similar type of vessel; Wages: 9000 USD; Flag: Malta; Date of join: Middle of July, Joining in Europe 19/07; Contract duration: 6+/-1 months; Good command of English is required, mix crew experience is preferable Please forward your application form to email: Our contact number: +38 (048) 780-05-09 Visit us in our new office: Odessa, Armeyskaya str. 18-b
We are urgently looking for Chief Officer willing to join BULK Carriers 74000 DWT Experience required: 12 months experience in rank on similar type of vessel; Flag: Malta; Wages: 6800 USD; Date of join: End of July, Contract duration: 6+/-1 months; Good command of English is required, mix crew experience. Please forward your application form to email: Our contact number: +38 (048) 780-05-09 Visit us in our new office: Odessa, Armeyskaya str. 18-b
We are urgently looking for Chief Engineer willing to join BULK Carriers 173000 DWT Main Engine: MAN B&W 6S70MC-C, 22930 BHP Experience required: 12 months experience in rank, experience on similar type of engine; Wages: 8800 USD; Date of join: End of July, Contract duration: 6+/-1 months; Good command of English is required, mix crew experience is preferable Please forward your application form to email: Our contact number: +38 (048) 780-05-09 Visit us in our new office: Odessa, Armeyskaya str. 18-b
We are urgently looking for Chief Engineer willing to join BULK Carriers 174000 DWT Main Engine: MAN B&W 6S70MC-C, 22930 BHP Experience required: 12 months experience in rank, experience on similar type of engine; Wages: 8800 USD; Date of join: Middle of July, Joining at Brasil 18/07 Contract duration: 6+/-1 months; Good command of English is required, mix crew experience is preferable Please forward your application form to email: Our contact number: +38 (048) 780-05-09 Visit us in our new office: Odessa, Armeyskaya str. 18-b
We are urgently looking for Chief Engineer willing to join BULK Carriers 75000 DWT Main Engine: MAN B&W 7S50MC-C, 12700 BHP Experience required: 12 months experience in rank, experience on similar type of engine; Wages: 8800 USD; Date of join: End of July, China; Contract duration: 6+/-1 months; Good command of English is required, mix crew experience is preferable Please forward your application form to email: Our contact number: +38 (048) 780-05-09 Visit us in our new office: Odessa, Armeyskaya str. 18-b